My First Day @ Driving

Finally my driving lessons started yesterday, with the timmings being 6 AM to 7 AM (but I am always late) and I have the best and the worst teacher in the world, my Dad. Best because he has tons of driving experience and his control is awesome. Also he’s the worst person to teach because of his temper. Well frankly he will shout at me till I become a perfect driver. Which I want to be, and I will try and reduce my firings every day hopefully, but I know they will increase as he finds even more flaws.

Basically I am a car freak, and pretty much know how a car works, and have for a long time have been taking the car out of the Lane (with Dad standing nearby to guide), so I have a little bit of judgment as to where the car is headed and thankfully don’t stall the car, like I used to stall the scooter when I started learning it.

The first few things I have learnt is that the amount of concentration levels required while driving a car as compared to say a bike/moped are massive. Or maybe, it’s just that I lack confidence when it comes to driving a 4 wheeler. Hopefully in a few days time my stress levels will come down.

There are so many tiny details one never comes to know while in the passengers’ seat, like while taking a U-turn, when the car is almost turned, one needs to start straightening the car, or else you end up in the wrong lane. Also how important it is to stay in your lane, especially while tuning, the inputs needed and using more of those mirrors. Never had to give a damn about such stuff, while on a two-wheeler, maybe it’s just that driving a bicycle in the child hood and then the moped, made me pretty perfect in those departments.

A few of my flaws are mainly moving out of the lane or getting too much inside it and looking and shifting, I tried shifting without looking today, but the car tends to go slightly towards the right. Maybe that’s because I hold the steering wheel too tight, which I also need to loosen a bit. Or why don’t you just ask my dad what my flaws are and I bet the list will be huge. Actually I do find improvements in my driving, in just two days, but they are just slightly less wrong. But sill the flaws list is huge.

Now, my immediate aim is to get a learners license for 4 Wheelers. Which as it is no big deal, those RTO guys are really good, and as to what those RTO agents make them look like. But damn my good old Sunny Zip has given up and is all set to go to the Junk Yard. So the travels going to be a big pain, and unless Dad stays home tomorrow, the auto-rickshaw guy is going to make some good some tomorrow.

P.S: I am just going to update this post, to tell all you people reading this blog as to how I am improving, unless something really big happens that needs a new post all together. So please keep checking.

3 responses to “My First Day @ Driving”

  1. hehe.. good one there…
    well, even me moved from a moped to a geared two wheeler and could easily sense the difference when i did it for the first time.. pretty strange.

    and good that u switched to a car. you look funny on ur moped, the green bajaj sunny.. lol

  2. Car driving is really fun, once you get the hang of it.

    My first advice to you is that the moment you sit, adjust the seat. You should ideally be sitting in such a position that your left leg should be almost entirely stretched when pressing the clutch. Since we’re on the topic of the pedals, try as much as possible to rely on your right big toe for the accelerator… this will give you least pain or tiredness after long drives (talking from experience :P)… basically, just get yourself comfortable in the car first 😛

    Next thing is… don’t get too tense. Since you don’t have much experience yet, it will appear that car driving requires a lot of concentration… the truth is that it doesn’t. Once you start getting your feel of the car, your instincts will guide you. But my most serious advice… be prepared for scratches and small accidents. No matter how good I got, and how secure dad felt leaving the car completely in my control, I still ended up braking late and hitting the ass of a bus :P. The bus didn’t even get touched, and I got left with a huge scratch on the bonnet. Then, another time, I braked too late and lightly touched a motorcyclist who had braked and had stopped for the signal 😛

  3. Well , long time no post . Nicely written . I know how to drive a car though (shakey !)
    And i really dont like to drive , esp in Delhi … it suks ! The roads mabey good but ppl drive like mad !!

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